
Natural Spa Cleaning Kit with 2pcs of Chlorine-free Spa Magic 500ml

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RRP: $189.90
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Product Overview

Product Description

Natural Spa Cleaning Kit with 2pcs of Chlorine-free Spa Magic 500ml

The complete kit to start your spa water treatment with all Natural and environment friendly products.

Packages Includes:

Download Boilogica Brochure for more details.

Spa Magic is a 14 natural seaweed enzymes based spa treatment. It works best at a higher pH than normal. After balancing the spa, raise pH to around-8.0.

Spa Magic is only active in HOT water. Do not try to use it in a low temperature environment. Ensure the water is over 35 degrees Celcius.

Spa Magic works through the action of natural enzymes. Unlike chlorine, which is also an oxidizer, Spa Magic has no oxidizing action. The oxidation action is a chemical activity which literally burns out contaminants in the water. As Spa Magic has no oxidizing action, contaminants can only be caught in the filter. Therefore, with Spa Magic, it is essential that the cartridge is cleaned on a regular basis. You should also run the pump for a longer period, so that spa water is adequately filtered.

Eco friendly 90 day water care formula for hot tubs :

-100% bio-based- completely bio-degradeable

-FREE from chlorine or bromine toxicity

-FREE from itching, rashes or burning eyes

-FREE from daily maintenance and testing

A single bottle of Spa Magic (500 ml) is suitable for spas up to 1000 litres and lasts up to 2-3 months.



How does it work?

Spa Magic uses 14 natural seaweed enzymes to treat your spa water and keep it clean, fresh and sparkling bright for up to 90 days - without the use of any toxic chemicals.

Spa Magic is an exciting advancement in water treatment. Through years of research, development, refinement and testing by independent laboratories, Spa Magic is a unique and powerful formula of seaweed enzymes, specifically designed to keep your spa clean and healthy.

Enzymes are used by cutting edge biochemists in the war against disease because they are so specific in what they attack. An enzyme can be absolutely deadly to some life forms and be completely safe, even beneficial, to others. The seaweed enzyme formula in Spa Magic breaks down bacteria and viruses, dissolving them away, keeping your spa clean and clear for up to 90 days.

Spa Magic is non-toxic, easy to use, and economical. No more testing your hot tub everyday to make sure the chlorine and bromine levels are right. Spa Magic won’t cause the rashes, itching, burning red eyes, and dry skin that chlorine and bromine do. With Spa Magic there is no nasty chemical odour. You won’t feel the need to take a shower after you get out of your spa, your skin will be soft and silky smooth after each use.

Spa Magic attracts oils and other contaminants, then dissolves them away, eliminating them without the use of harsh chemicals. Spa Magic contains lanolin which softens your spa water keeping minerals up along the water line, thus eliminating the spa equivalent of ‘bath tub ring’. Your spa water will be safer for you and feel better too!

No more dangerous chemicals

Until now, you would need to test and treat your spa constantly to keep the water free from dangerous contaminants, but there is a big problem with the way most spas are treated. Many of the chemicals used to treat your spa are toxic, like chlorine and bromine.

The elevated temperatures of your spa cause chemicals to be more active and an even greater threat to you. High spa temperatures open your pores and allow chemicals to be absorbed by your skin and blood stream. The chemical vapor caused by the temperatures of your spa are breathed in, damaging sensitive lung tissue - no wonder 80% of people who use spas have some kind of adverse reaction.

One bottle of Spa Magic keeps your water clean and fresh for up to 90 days.

Lab Studies

Many independent laboratories have tested the properties of Spa Magic’s enzyme. In all cases, bacteria and viruses were eliminated in just 30 seconds. Here is a summary of some of the lab studies:


The University of Connecticut, in 1995, determined that Spa Magic’s enzymes eliminate, E.coli., pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococcus aureus.

Trichophyton mentagrophytes

This fungus, which exists primarily in spore form, causes Athlete’s Foot. In 1995, the University of Connecticut determined that Spa Magic’s enzyme eliminates the spores. They also determined that Spa Magic’s enzyme was more effective at eliminating athletes’ foot fungus than traditional medications.

Legionella pneumophila

This microorganism causes Legionnaires’s disease. In 1995, Bio Research Laboratories of Redmond, Washington determined that the Spa Magic eliminates this organism in 30 seconds. A remarkable application for cooling towers.


This is a deadly disease for dogs. Spa Magic’s enzyme eliminates the parvovirus. The enzyme can be sprayed directly onto the animal and generously sprayed inside kennels without removing the animals. It only benefits the animals skin and coat, because the enzyme biodegrades hard proteins, it also effectively eliminates fleas and their eggs.

Salmonella choleraesuis

In 1997, Bio Research Laboratories determined that Spa Magic enzymes eliminates salmonella. This research was done for the meat and poultry industry.


In 2002, Bio Research Laboratories confirmed that Spa Magic inhibits E.faecium, one of the two leading bacteria found in spa water.

Biological oxygen demand

The Benton-Franklin District Health Department (Richland, Washington) ran a series of tests using the Spa Magic enzyme in 1995. They were unable to get a reliable Biological Oxygen Reading (BOD) because “the oxygen depletion was too great to determine the true BOD.” This means the enzymes were so effective at neutralizing contaminants in the test solution that the test was not able to measure it. Spa Magic has the same BOD rating as chlorine, yet Spa Magic has no toxicity to any living thing, it is 100% harmless to children, pets, fish, birds, reptiles, plants, rivers, lakes, streams and ponds. It harms nothing except germs and viruses, yet has the killing ability of chlorine.

Acute toxicity to rainbow trout

Rainbow Trout are very sensitive to toxins in the environment, which is why they are used in toxicity tests. An extensive series of tests with our enzymes revealed a lethal concentration (LC50) figure of 20,341.4 parts per million. In comparison, chlorine has an LC50 figure of 7.4 parts per million. This means the chlorine used to disinfect our drinking water is 316 times more toxic that Spa Magic’s enzymes. What this study tells you is this: fish live in water! They cannot live in pure enzyme alone, but mixed with water in heavy concentrations the enzyme is harmless. Chlorine on the other hand is devastatingly toxic to fish and the environment.

Product safety

Product safety tests indicate that all products at user concentration levels are completely safe and do not exhibit any dermal, ocular or oral toxicity.


In 2005, Beta Analytic of Miami, in collaboration with Iowa State University, studied Spa Magic. They determined from radiocarbon data analysis it is 100% bio-based.


Directions for use in ordinary tap water

This is a two-step process. Unless your spa is brand new, you will need to remove all excess build-up of contaminants in your spa’s system by using a bottle of Spa Magic as a conditioning Cleanser before using Spa Magic for daily use. We suggest you do not use the spa during the cleanser process.


Step One:

Spa Magic Spa Cleanser

1  Remove your cartridge filter for the duration of the cleanser process. We also recommend you clean or replace your filter at this time.

2   Shake bottle well before use and pour a bottle of Spa Magic into the old water. If the spa is 2-3 years old or more, use two bottles.

3   Let the spa circulate with the water temperature between 35-37ºC for a minimum of 8 hours per day, for 5 days.

4   After 5 days, drain the old water from the Spa - when the water level reaches the footwell use a hosepipe* and add fresh water whilst still draining. This will flush the water from the lower pipework, do this for 10 minutes, clean and refill Spa.

5   Clean both sides of the cover with some of the Spa Magic and rinse thoroughly. If the cover has any breaks or tears, we recommend it be replaced.

*When using a hosepipe please ensure it is flushed thoroughly before use


If your spa cover has a zipper closure it is important to unzip the cover (DO NOT REMOVE THE COVER - IT’S DIFFICULT TO PUT BACK ON), and flush the inside with your garden hose. The inside has been known to harbour molds, mildew and bacteria - all of which drip from condensation through the cover back into the spa water.


Step Two: Spa Magic

Fill spa with fresh water. Balance water as normally recommended.

-       For spas of 1000 litres, add ½ cup of Spagard Hardness Increase to a bucket of water, dissolve with a wooden paddle, then add to spa with jets running for 5 minutes.

-       For spas of 1000 litres, add ½ cup of Spagard Alkalinity Increase to a bucket of water, dissolve with a wooden paddle, then add to spa with jets running for 5 minutes.

1  Shake bottle well before use and add a 500ml bottle of Spa Magic to spas up to 1000 litres.

 If your spa is greater than 1000 litres , add proportionally more.

2   After the water has reached the desired temperature (35-39ºc), check the pH level to ensure it is around 8.0 (slightly higher than normally recommended for chlorinated spas). Spa Magic works best at this pH level. You initially may need to check your pH levels on a weekly basis, although the Spa Magic should maintain the level automatically. Use Spagard pH Incresae to raise pH, if necessary. Add a dessertspoon at a time, with jets running and retest pH after 5 minutes.

3   Rinse your filter every week or more frequently - based on bather usage. Use a jet attachment on the hose pipe to rinse thoroughly. Soak the filter in a filter cleanser overnight every 4 to 6 weeks, rinse with water and allow to dry before replacing.

4   Drain and refill your spa and add Spa Magic every three months.

We recommend the weekly use of Spagard Natural Clarifier Product to keep your water sparkling clear. After each application of Spagard Natural Clarifier run the spa for 20 minutes.

ENJOY a completely natural, low maintenance, skin conditioning product, made exclusively for the hot tub industry!


Additional Hints and Tips for using Spa Magic

We do not recommend using any fragrances because they may not be compatible.

Spa Magic is a positively charged ion. Your tubs’ surface has a negative charge. Once in a 90-day period, they will bond, and you will notice a slight film develop on the surface of your tub. All that you need to do is wipe the inside of your tub with a clean cloth or sponge to break this bond. The great result of this bonding is that it also creates a natural lubricant within your spa, coating your heating element, pump, seals and your plumbing - allowing your tubs’ mechanics to work longer and better.

At times you may experience an organic smell. This simply means Spa Magic has found contaminants and is working harder. This may suggest your filter requires more frequent cleaning. Make sure the pH is around 8.0. Check to make sure the underside and inside of the cover has been cleaned. If the odour is still present after 24 hours, some Spagard Natural Clarifier or an Oxidiser may be used.

Spa Magic is compatible with ozonators, chlorine and bromine.

Cloudy water may be caused by frequent use by a large number of bathers, lotions, oils, deodorants, sunscreens or other products used on the skin or soap residues in bathing suits.


Sold individually.

Any advice or suggestions above, including but not limited to instructions and dosing rates are intended to be a guide only.

Spa Store and its staff recommend you read the full instructions on all chemical containers. Spa Store will not accept responsibility for the use of these products.

Spa chemicals cannot be shipped to a Post Box. Please provide a physical address during checkout.



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